Seeing Hands Massage, In Cambodia Only


Among all the fascinating aspects that Cambodia presents, the Seeing Hands Massage is definitely one of the strangest ones. Indeed, have you ever heard of massage centres run by blind people? I don’t think so…

No one ever thought of this in Europe or in the States…and believe me when I tell you that the Seeing Hands Massage Centres are definitely a must if and when you are in Cambodia. Their massages are by far the best ones in the world!


The Seeing Hands Centres are based all around Cambodia. Between Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Battambang and Sihanoukville, these centres are known all over the country for offering the best services, even better than some 5stars resorts! However, foreigners are not really familiar with these centres as the Seeing Hands are local businesses that were first developed to help unfortunate (blind people) to be integrated in society by having a proper job, so they are not publicised outside the country.

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Do not expect anything fancy and amazingly organised, these centres are actually very humble and simple, but this one more reason for you to go. This will be a unique and fascinating experience that you cannot find or have anywhere else in the world. Thanks to the Seeing Hands you actually have a proper Cambodian experience, and when I say proper I mean that most of them cannot even speak English..

In addition to this, because the massagers are blind, they over-developed the other senses, such as touch, and thanks to this, they know exactly how and where to touch you in order to make you feel absolutely amazing. Try it out and you’ll understand what I am talking about!


THE FASCINATION: The Seeing Hands Massage Centres are fascinating because they present a service that is unique in the world. Blind people massaging you is definitely not something that you would casually see in your home countries, or am I wrong?

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