Sail Amsterdam, sailing ships in city

Amsterdam is the largest town of the Netherlands. The heart of the city has over 800.000 inhabitants but  the metropolitan area is over 2 million; but its peculiarity is that it includes over 170 nationalities, a real cosmopolitan metropolis…

Beyond the tourist famous coffee shop, where the sale of cannabis and its derivatives is legally recognized, the district where sex for a fee is legally practicing; the center of the city with its canals that date back to the twelfth century is very romantic and it was included in 2010 in UNESCO’s World Heritage Site.

Since 1975, when the 700th anniversary of the city has been celebrated, every five years a very spectacular event named “Sail Amsterdam” happens. It attracts boating enthusiasts from all over the world.

To give you a better idea about the importance in the world of this nautical event, here are some data: every edition it involves about 1.5 million people and at the last one have attended over 600 boats!

The curious aspect is that all types of boats take part: faithful reconstructions of vintage sailing ships, simple rowboats, frigates, modern military vessels and all sorts of small boats sailing, rowing or motor.

It’s an unforgettable show to see all these boats that cross the channel of the North Sea to get to moor in Amsterdam in the Bay of Ijhaven; it is a real “parade” on the water!

When boats are moored, the festivities on land start, with concerts and performances of all types, a mix of art, music and culture. Instead on the water, for all fans, challenges and demonstrations involving the boats take place. Royal Netherlands Navy boats can be visited and there are demonstrations of swimming activities.

“Sail Amsterdam” an event open to anyone, amateur or not, which unfortunately takes place every five years and, because the last edition is the one of 2015, you must wait for the next: in 2020. So, we suggest you enjoy the photos and the video…


T H E   V I D E O


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