Discovering Harper’s Ferry

The United States of America is certainly an interesting destination for tourists from all over the world because of the many faces of this continent … from the great expanses of the “Far-West”, historical theater of the “cow-boy” epic, to the great metropolises like New York-Los Angeles-Chicago, set of  countless famous films and series of telefilms. From the beautiful northern states, such as Michigan with its majestic lake, to the southern states  evoking the historical period of the secession war for the abolition of slavery. Today we visit the state of West Virginia where, in Jefferson County, there is the village of Harper’s Ferry.

This village, which has a “population” of about 300 inhabitants, fully represents one of the many “faces” of the United States,  a quiet and characteristic “province” where it is possible to spend a relaxing holiday away from highways, shopping centers and skyscrapers…

Harpers Ferry National Historical Park is located in and around the small town of Harper’s Ferry, at the confluence of two rivers, the Potomac and the Shenandoah.  This national park is a mix of natural beauties and places of historical relevance such as the small village that was the scene of the insurrection of slaves led by John Brown who tried to take possession of the arsenal Federal.

Looking at it from above, Harper’s Ferry is a little town surrounded by two confluent rivers and immersed in a thick and luxuriant vegetation… visiting it, in addition to the relaxing atmosphere of “province”, you have a jumping back in time when in 1862, during the bloody Secession War, this small town and the surrounding area saw General Lee of the Confederate Army capturing over 12,000 Union troops.

What is the meaning of the original name of this village? The story tells that its first resident, Robert Harper, worked to establish a ferry to cross the Potomac River… in 1.761…

At this point, we recommend to all those who had the opportunity to visit the north of the United States to provide an excursion to Harpers Ferry National Historical Park to enjoy its historical and natural beauties! And then we invite the bravest  to became a “river-rider” and to “fight” with the swirling waters of the Potomac River!


T H E   V I D E O


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