
The biggest rock Buddha in the world

China, a country with a fascinating history and an ancient culture, a country of which The Golden Scope is a fan, and me, the writer of this


The Deserts of the World

If you like to be immersed in the peace and tranquillity of nature; then you should definitely organise a trip to a desert, unless you have done


Unusual Christmas Holiday Destinations

Our Christmas week is sadly coming to an end. This year’s Winter Festivity is already over. If you didn’t have the chance to have a look at


Living out of the ordinary

When living in a ‘boring’ four-walls house is not as fun anymore, it ‘s time to design and build something out of the ordinary, something strange and unique;


Most wonderful caves on the planet

Imagine walking down a dark cave.
You can hear the drops of water falling on the wet rocks, and the air is so cold that it’s giving