Guardando il mondo dall’alto


Immaginate di essere un aquila o un gabbiano e provate a pensare: quali visioni potreste avere mentre sorvolate città e spettacolari paesaggi?

Qui di seguito trovate una collezione delle più affascinanti e spettacolari foto che vi mostrano ciò che un uccello vedrebbe sorvolando differenti aree del nostro pianeta.

Buon divertimento!

Aligre market in the XII arrondissement, Paris, France
Aligre market in the XII arrondissement, Paris, France
Bohol, Philippines
Bohol, Philippines
Japanese factory built on an island east of Hiroshima Honshu
Japanese factory built on an island east of Hiroshima Honshu
Animal farm in New Zealand
Animal farm in New Zealand
Jumeirah Palm island in Dubai, UAE
Jumeirah Palm island in Dubai, UAE
Trimouns Ariège, France
Trimouns Ariège, France
Drying cotton fabrics drying in the sun, Sanganer Rajasthan, India
Drying cotton fabrics drying in the sun, Sanganer Rajasthan, India
Amsterdam Region, Netherlands
Amsterdam Region, Netherlands
Nosy Nato Island, Madagascar
Nosy Nato Island, Madagascar
Mar del Plata beach, Argentina
Mar del Plata beach, Argentina
Nuclear Power Station in France
Nuclear Power Station in France
Karymsky volcano in Kamchatka, Russia
Karymsky volcano in Kamchatka, Russia
Los Haitises, Dominican Republic
Los Haitises, Dominican Republic
Saham, Oman
Saham, Oman
Paris, France
Paris, France
Central Park, New York
Central Park, New York
Northern Arizona, United States
Northern Arizona, United States
Yokohama, Honshu, Japan
Yokohama, Honshu, Japan
San Rafael lagoon, Chile
San Rafael lagoon, Chile
Christchurch South Island, New Zealand
Christchurch South Island, New Zealand
Los Angeles, California, US
Los Angeles, California, US
Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo, Japan
National park of Rapa Nui, Easter Island, Chile
National park of Rapa Nui, Easter Island, Chile
Exuma Cays, Bahamas
Exuma Cays, Bahamas
Amazon River, Manaus, Brazil
Amazon River, Manaus, Brazil
Folgefonni Glacier, Norway
Folgefonni Glacier, Norway
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