
Best Ecolodges in South America

For all those who love to be immersed in nature, The Golden Scope prepared a list of the most beautiful and best ecolodges in South America.


World’s best places to skydive

If you have never tried skydiving, you should definitely put it down in your bucket list!
The adrenaline pumping in your veins while you’re jumping off an


Discovering Tasmania

Tasmania is an island state, part of the Commonwealth of Australia, located 240 kilometers south of the Australian continent.
Some of you might have heard of this


Rock climbing in the U.S.A.

Rock climbing is an activity in which participants climb up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls. The goal is to reach the summit


Best jungle lodges in the Amazon

If you wish to be totally immersed in nature; then what’s better than a lodge located in the middle of the Amazon jungle?
Since most of you


Queen Elizabeth National Park

Today The Golden Scope back in Africa and more precisely in a country very little known: Uganda. It’s located in the interior of East Africa and it


Visit to the UNESCO’s Sites of Australia

Australia, a country so beautiful and wonderful of course has, “hidden” in its stunning landscapes, a lot of sites included into UNESCO’s list.
The Golden Scope is


The most beautiful river in the world

I imagine that, reading the title, many of you have thought to long popular rivers of our planet, like the Nile, the Amazon, the Mississippi, the Mekong


The beauty of flying in a hot air balloon

If you are thinking about how beautiful it must be to ride in a hot air balloon, you can actually stop imagining this, and start organising a