
The Village of Erice

The tour of the charming little Italian villages continues, today The Golden Scope brings you in Sicily, an island which, thanks to its geographical location in the


Sperlinga, the village in the rock

Sicily is both the largest Italian island and the largest one in the Mediterranean basin. Most of the territory of the region is the main island while

Travel & Movie

The Nature Reserve of Mount Cofano

Today, The Golden Scope comes back to Sicily, the largest island of Italy and of the Mediterranean basin, too. It’s also the most extensive region of Italy.


Start of Autumn in Cefalù

Autumn has just begun. This is the time for weekends and trips, in particular in Northern Italy, to historic cities, lakeside resorts, hillside, and especially to the


Realmonte and its beauties

Yet again The Golden Scope will speak about Sicily… a beautiful island!  It’s impossible to ignore it… summer is arrived and the sea holidays wish, too…