The Green Lake

green lake

Grüner See, commonly know as the Green Lake, is located in Styria, in Austria.

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The lake is surrounded by beautiful mountains and a lush forest, and the name “Green Lake” was given thanks to the emerald-green water.

The Golden Scope picked this particular location because it’s absolutely wonderful and fascinating. Indeed, during the winter season, the lake is only 1, maximum 2 meters deep, and the surrounding area is used as a county park.

However, during spring time, with the rising of temperature, the snow melts, and the lands below the mountains begin to fill with water.

Green Lake can reach 12 meters of depth from mid-May to late June – which is the period of time suggested to go visit the place.

The beauty of the lake is not just given by the peculiar rise and fall of the water lever throughout the year, but the waters are so clear that it is possible to see the bottom, even if it’s extremely deep.

Green Lake is common destination for suba-divers, who during springtime go explore the underwater world.

Check out all the pictures and the videos capturing the wonderful watery landscape. This place is definitely a must-see if you’re travelling to Austria!





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