Mainau Island

Mainau Island

Germany with its more than 82 million inhabitants is the most populous nation of the European Union. It’s geographically located right in the center of Europe, so it’s bordered by nine countries: Denmark, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg , France, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Constance Lake is located on the great river Rhine on the border between Germany, Switzerland and Austria and so on its shores there are a lot of pretty towns of these three nations.

Also the little town of Konstanz, an important university center of over 83.000 inhabitants, is located in the southwest corner of Germany, on the shores of this great lake right on the border between Germany and the Switzerland.

Constance Lake has three German islands, Lindau and Reichenau are part of the territory of the homonymous German towns and Mainau.

The Golden Scope chose Mainau, the reason is easily understood looking some photos and the video of this article…it’s a wonderful lake island!

The island is connected to the south shore of the lake by a bridge. It’s under the jurisdiction of the city of Konstanz. It’s owned by a foundation headed by the Bernadotte family, the current royal house of the Kingdom of Sweden, since 1818.

Mainau Island is preserved in all its splendor by the foundation. It’s a popular tourist destination also thanks to the mild climate of the lake that surrounds it, its rich vegetation of the gardens and a tropical greenhouse that houses a lot of species of butterflies.

Mainau in the spring is a real flower paradise, being open to the public, it welcomes visitors in its green oasis with a myriad of colors of the thousands of flowers that seem to be there to honor the great lake.


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