
Bajau, sea people

The sea people called Bajau live in the coral triangle of Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia; this ethnic group is not very “familiar” with the mainland… in fact


The Deserts of the World

If you like to be immersed in the peace and tranquillity of nature; then you should definitely organise a trip to a desert, unless you have done


Best Ecolodges in South America

For all those who love to be immersed in nature, The Golden Scope prepared a list of the most beautiful and best ecolodges in South America.


Watamu, a blue paradise

Kenya, an African country that has had, especially in certain areas such as Malindi, a great tourist development and, that attracts visitors from all over the world.


The Dahlak Archipelago

Eritrea, an African country with a population of about 6.5 million people. It’s a very hot and humid area and even though it has a coastline of


Lena Pillars Nature Park

In Siberia there is an area extended for about one million hectares that only 20 years ago has been transformed in the “Lena Pillars Nature Park”.