Husky safari, an extreme experience

husky safari

If the severe cold does not scare you, or if you love dogs… but especially if you want a real adventure… this article is certainly of interest to you!

We’re talking about an “alternative” holiday, the “husky safari”, the dream of those who love passionately snow in the company of cute fluffy dogs with an important personality.

When you say “husky safari” does not mean a couple of hours on a sled… but days, also a week… keep calm: well equipped!

Imagine traveling with dogs… dogs who have been entrusted to you and which will take care of you… on frozen lakes, through wooded hills and full of snow landscapes… a dream that become true?

A dream that will allow you to leave behind civilization, with its technology, and to enjoy the isolation that gives serenity.

This kind of experience is in reality, even better than what it’s possible to tell; feelings and emotions that it can give, must be experienced firsthand.

Try to judge for yourself through the photos and the video below…



– Norway

– Sweden

– Finland

– Iceland


T H E   V I D E O


(All the photos are taken from, all the videos are taken from, and all belong to their original owners-We do not own any of the content posted-Removal upon request) 

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