
Places to see orangutans in Borneo

In case you are wondering where Borneo is, it’s an island located in South East Asia, south of Malaysia and North of Australia. Borneo is renown for


What to see when in Alaska

If you love the freezing cold and you’re fascinated by snowy landscapes then Alaska should definitely be on your bucket list.

This vast state, located north


Zion National Park

The USA, this country evokes the Far West epopee, it has been abundantly celebrated cinematically… but others Confederate States have also fascinating natural attractions.
From north to


The Maori legend of Lake Wakatipu

Today The Golden Scope decided to share with you an article on a beautiful New Zealander lake: Lake Wakatipu.
Located in the Otago Region in the Southern


Cherating, the adventurous island

A small unknown town built right on the beach: Cherating can be considered to be one of the most fascinating and adventurous places in Malaysia.
Only 3


Dominica, the island of nature

Thinking about the Central America and the Caribbean in particular, everyone imagines an unforgettable holiday surrounded by the clear sea with white beaches on which to meet


Kiribati, the islands that may disappear

The south Pacific Ocean area is doubtless one of the most beautiful of our planet.
The sea, the nature… the dreamy sunsets… their unique colors seem almost


Trekking in Bako National Park

In recent months The Golden Scope showed you some areas of our planet where you can go “trekking” a sort of walk/hike into the nature, such as


Tassili du Hoggar

Sahara, with its 9.000.000 km2, is the largest hot desert of our planet. It’s crossed by the Tropic of Cancer, it cover the area from the Atlantic


Borneo of Penan tribe

Borneo, only the word evokes adventure travels, an area of our planet surrounded by the world’s oldest tropical forest!

This forest is located in front of


The Archipelago of Vesteralen

Norway is an European country, geographically located to the north of the continent and this allows  it to have some unique natural beauties such as, for example,